Amazing body facts

Amazing body Facts
1. Your fingernails grow four times
as fast as your toenails.
2. Babies are born with 300 bones
adults have 206.
3. Eyelashes last about 150 days.
4. The heart circulates your blood
through your body about 1,000
times each day.
5. You make about half a quart
(500 ml) of spit each day.
6. The smallest bone in your body
is in your ears.
7. Your blood has the same
amount of salt in it as the ocean
8. A sneeze blows air out of your
nose at 100 miles per hour.
9. You are taller in the morning
than you are at night.
10. Humans are the only animals
that cry when upset.
11. Many more boys are color blind
than girls are.
12. Children have more taste buds
than adults.
13. Your lungs are the only organs
in your body that float.
14. Food spends up to 6 hours in
the stomach being digested.
15. Your eyeballs are actually part of
your brain.
16. Bones are 4 times stronger than
17. The largest muscle in your body
is the one you are sitting on!
18. In one day, a human sheds 10
billion skin flakes. This amounts
to approximately two kilograms
in a year.
19. People whose mouth has a
narrow roof are more likely to
snore. This is because they have
less oxygen going through their
20. While sleeping, one man in eight
snores, and one in ten grinds his
21. It takes food seven seconds to
go from the mouth to the
stomach via the esophagus.
22. Every square inch of the human
body has about 19,000,000 skin
23. Approximately 25% of all scald
burns to children are from hot
tap water and is associated with
more deaths than with any other
24. Forty one percent of women
apply body and hand moisturizer
at least three times a day.
25. Every hour one billion cells in
the body must be replaced.
26. The world record for the
number of body piercing on one
individual is 702, which is held by
Canadian Brent Moffat.
27. The small intestine in the human
body is about 2 inches around,
and 22 feet long.
28. The human body makes
anywhere from 1 to 3 pints of
saliva every 24 hours.
29. The human body has
approximately 37,000 miles of
30. The aorta, which is largest artery
located in the body, is about the
diameter of a garden hose.
31. Close to fifty percent of the
bacteria in the mouth lives on
the surface of our tongue.
32. There are approximately 9,000
taste buds on the tongue.
33. The adult human body requires
about 88 pounds of oxygen
34. It is very common for babies in
New Zealand to sleep on
sheepskins. This is to help them
gain weight faster, and retain
their body heat.
35. An average woman has 17
square feet of skin. When a
woman is in her ninth month of
pregnancy she has 18.5 square
feet of skin.
36. The width of your arm span
stretched out is the length of
your whole body.
37. 41% of women apply body or
hand moisturizer a minimum
three times a day.
38. A human's small intestine is 6
meters long.
39. There are as many hairs per
square inch on your body as a
chimpanzee. You don't see all of
them because most are too fine
and light to be noticed.
40. Every hour one billion cells in
the body must be replaced.
41. Dead cells in the body ultimately
go to the kidneys for excretion.
42. By walking an extra 20 minutes
every day, an average person will
burn off seven pounds of body
fat in a year.
43. The human body is 75% water.
44. You lose everyday around 50 to
100 hairs from your head, which
are replaced the same day.
45. An average human has 100000
hairs on the head.
46. The air from a sneeze can reach
the speed of 100 mph; from a
cough 60 mph.
47. An average person drinks
around 16000 gallons of water in
his lifetime.
48. A nail takes around 6 months to
grow from base to the most tip.
49. Around 45 miles of nerves run
through our body. The electric
impulses travel at a speed of
almost 250 mph!
50. Babies have 94 bones more than
an adult, in total 300.
51. An average human blinks 25
times a minute, that's over
6.205.000 times a year!
52. By the age of 70 your heart has
beat 2, 5 billion times and
pumped around 48.000.000
gallons of blood.
53. In a tiny drop of water there are
5 million red blood cells, 10.000
white cells and 300.000 platelets
54. A square of human skin contains
20 feet of blood vessels, 1300
nerve cells, 100 sweat glands and
3 million cells.
55. The average human body
contains enough: Sulphur to kill
all fleas on an average dog,
Carbon to make 900 pencils,
Potassium to fire: a toy cannon,
Fat to make 7 bars of soap,
Phosphorus to make: 2,200
matchheads, and enough Water
to fill a ten gallon tank.
56. The microorganisms in and on
your body make up 10% of your
bodyweight (dried, without
57. You produce a quart of saliva
daily, 10.000 gallons in a lifetime.
58. A square of human skin has 32
million bacterias on it!
59. Each second 10.000.000 of cells
die and are replaced in your
60. You create a new skin every
month and a new skeleton every
3 months!
61. Ears and nose don't stop keep
growing during the whole life!
62. The liver is the body's chemical
factory. It has over 500 functions!
63. You lose 600.000 particles of skin
every hour that make up 1.5
pounds a year!
64. You spend one third of your
lifetime sleeping. 20 Years in an
average lifetime!
65. In a lifetime, an average man will
shave 20,000 times.
66. Hair will fall out faster on a
person that is on a crash diet.