33 कोटि देवी देवता


Well-known member

???? 33 करोड नहीँ 33 कोटि देवी देवता हैँ
हिँदू धर्म मेँ।
???? कोटि = प्रकार

????देवभाषा संस्कृत में कोटि के दो
अर्थ होते है,

कोटि का मतलब प्रकार होता है
और एक अर्थ करोड़ भी होता।

???? हिन्दू धर्म का दुष्प्रचार करने के

लिए ये बात उडाई गयी की
हिन्दुओ के 33
करोड़ देवी देवता हैं और

????अब तो hindu खुद ही
गाते फिरते हैं की
हमारे 33 करोड़ देवी देवता

???? कुल 33 प्रकार के देवी देवता हैँ
हिँदू धर्म मेँ:

????12 प्रकार हैँ आदित्य: , धाता, मित,
शक्रा, वरुण, अँश, भाग, विवास्वान, पूष,
सविता, तवास्था, और विष्णु...!

???? 8 प्रकार हैँ
वासु:, धर, ध्रुव, सोम, अह, अनिल, अनल, प्रत्युष
और प्रभाष।

???? 11 प्रकार हैँ- रुद्र: ,हर,
बहुरुप, त्रयँबक,
अपराजिता, बृषाकापि, शँभू, कपार्दी,

रेवात, मृगव्याध, शर्वा, और कपाली। एवँ

???? दो प्रकार हैँ
अश्विनी और कुमार।

????कुल: 12+8+11+2=33



Well-known member
"Gur jesa nahi koi dev"

Its ritten in gurbani dat guru varga koi v dev nai aa

Enough for me to say k je koi dev barabar nai aa fer oh akaal de darshan nai kara sakda.

but your Gurubani came 400 years ago.. maybe ur guru meant ab guru jesa koi nahi dev :p

whereas apne 33 koti devi devta where first mentioned in Rig Veda which is 1200-900 BC ... even SGGS accepts existence of veda



Prime VIP
but your Gurubani came 400 years ago.. maybe ur guru meant ab guru jesa koi nahi dev :p

whereas apne 33 koti devi devta where first mentioned in Rig Veda which is 1200-900 BC ... even SGGS accepts existence of veda


Sati pratha also exists b4 bt nt now. Coz it was wrong.

Same vedas exists but dey wer wrong. Dats y gurbani likhni pai ;)


Well-known member
Sati pratha also exists b4 bt nt now. Coz it was wrong.

Same vedas exists but dey wer wrong. Dats y gurbani likhni pai ;)

Vedas were wrong that's why sggs was written?? :hahaha u r too funny man .. Please read them ur entire sggs is taken from the Vedas

Sati pratha was not in our Vedas , it was a bad practice just like region ke naam pe even Sikha indulge in practices not prescribed in sggs

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Well-known member
Ginni veere plz read them , nowhere does it talk of caste creed race sati pratha, multiple marriages , etc etc .. These came from people's depiction of stuff just like one kuraan has 10 subtexts Sunni shia etc

Vedas are absolute ... I challenge anyone to find any of this sati etc in Vedas

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