100 rupees



Once a king had three sons. He want to give his thorne to a son who is most intelligent. He gave 100 rupee to each one of them and said that with this 1oo rupees u hav to fill your rooms.
first son thought how he can purchase with 100 rupees to fill the room . he purchased old animal bones and empty bottles... from the rucksaw dealer and filled his room,.
the second son purchased dust and left over waste from the sweepers and filled the room with his 100 rupees
the third one was smart and intelligent and he gone to a flower shop and purchased flowers, incense and spread the fragrnace of flowers and incense in his room.
Now it is very easy for king to select his third son as his successor .
The same is for us that how we fill our room (( body ) with bones and drinks , or with filth of this world or spread the fragrance of Lord's love in our room ( Body )

rajan sharma


___I. A. F.___
very very verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry nice but irony is appan lord nu ve religion ch divide krke ladhde rehnde ..na ki GOD IS ONE di samjh rkhiye


“I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.”

Stephen Roberts


good story. But, at night plants release CO2 witch can reduce the amount of oxygen in the room and can cause a person to die :D