Recipe ice-cream sandwich


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  • 4 egg yolks
  • 300 ml full milk
  • 300 ml double cream
  • 2 vanilla bean pods
  • 100 gms powdered sugar
  • 4 chocolate bars / chocolate coated ice-cream wafers


  1. Place a damp towel on kitchen table / work surface and place a bowl on top. Add sugar and the egg yolks, whisk together until well combined and thick. Keep aside.
  2. Prepare the custard base by heating milk. Place a saucepan on medium heat, add milk, bring just under boiling point (do not overheat).
  3. When the milk has heated up, pour it gradually into the bowl containing combined sugar-egg yolks mixture and whisk / stir continuously.
  4. Transfer the whole mixture back to the pan. Place pan on medium heat and stir continuously for 3-5 mins and allow to thicken (do not bring to the boil or it may curdle).
  5. When you have reached the desired consistency, pour into a bowl and set aside to cool completely.
  6. To combine vanilla and cream, place vanilla pods on a chopping board and slice lengthways. Split the pod open. Scrape the pulp out on the knife and put in the bowl of cream. Pour the cream and vanilla into the bowl containing, egg-milk custard. Whisk thoroughly to combine.
  7. To prepare the ice-cream, pour the mix into ice-cream maker, close and switch the machine. Churn for 15-20 mins. Strain through a fine sieve; transfer the churned mixture to a plastic container; cover and refrigerate to set.
  8. To make the ice-cream sandwich, place a chocolate bar / wafer in a serving plate, put a scoop of ice-cream carefully on the top and place another chocolate bar / wafer to make a sandwich. Serve immediately…
