Recipe Brookies Black Bayou Gumbo


Staff member
72 ounces shucked jumbo blue crab meat
6 pounds peeled & de-veined shrimp
3 pounds catfish
8 bell peppers
3 yellow onions
4 cloves fresh garlic
2 large stalks celery
12 ounces bag of cut okra
2 pounds chicken thighs
3 tbsp salt (adjust to taste)
3 tbsp black pepper (adjust to taste)
2 tsp cayenne (adjust to taste)
3 cups rice cooked
3 gallon pot
large cast iron skillet
1 cup white flour
1 cup oil
1 stick butter
2 cans beer
thyme optional


Spread out all the ingredients on the kitchen table. Start your pot of water boiling; add the chicken and beer. Cut onions, celery,and bell peppers, garlic and add to the mixture of the chicken and beer. Add the salt and pepperto taste and bring to a medium fire continuing to slowly boil. When chicken is falling off of bones, take out chicken and debone and re-add chicken to pot. Salt and pepper to taste. Add thyme and cayenne as needed for taste. Use some Creole or Cajun seasoning also to taste.

Make a roux, in the skillet. Get the oil hot and gradually whisk in the flour until it becomes dark brown and has a thick consistency. Let the mixture cool down and add it gradually to gumbo until it reaches a thicker consistency or color changes to a black muddy look. Blend completely and simmer about 3 hours.

After about 3 hours, take shrimp, crab meat and okra and add to gumbo and one stick of butter. Season to taste. Add more beer if you wish. Simmer for 45 minutes, stirring and observing the crab and shrimp. You do not want to over cook. Turn of and let sit for 1-2 hours and serve over white rice. Enjoy!