Little Solutions for automobiles

Remove road tar from cars - Sodium bicarbonate on a damp cloth.

Remove paint from auto - The product to clean paint from you car is Benzol.

Increase your petrol mileage - Put 4 oz of benzol to each ten gallons of petrol to increase mpg.

How to renew car batteries - Dissolve 1 oz of epsorn salts in warm water and add to each cell.

Keep windshields frost free - Apply solution 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water over windshield.


Codename 47
Adding additive in the petrol tank is not the solution.
Doesn't work for allthe cars.
Performance cars such as most of the members have including mine takes a 98 Octane fuel. Any impurity can decrease/damange the performance/engine.
If someone really wants a car thats efficient must re-consider the HYBRID cars when buying one