NVIDIA ships its billionth GPU


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We’ve all heard of NVIDIA of course: they’ve been pushing a blistering number of polygons at us for over a decade now. Their GPUs are synonymous with peak graphics performance, and they’ve become so successful designing silicon that they are now branching out into turf previously dominated by the likes of Intel and AMD with their Tegra SoCs.
But NVIDIA has had a silent partner through all of its success you’ve probably never heard of: TSMC. All NVIDIA GPUs are, of course, designed by NVIDIA, but it’s TSMC who builds the actual graphics cards in their foundries. They’ve worked together for the last twelve years, and in the tech industry, if you’ve worked with a manufacturing partner for twelve years, you might as well be siamese twins.
So congratulations are in order to both NVIDIA and TSMC, because they’ve just announced that they’ve just shipped the billionth GPU to PC makers. That’s billion with a b.
“Since inventing the GPU more than a decade ago, NVIDIA has driven innovation in these processors at a rate virtually unmatched in the technology industry,” said Jen-Hsun Huang, president and chief executive officer, NVIDIA. “With our close partnership with TSMC, the complexity of these devices has increased more than 1000 times, enabling enormous progress in computers ranging from handhelds and PCs to workstations and data centers.”
Want to have your minds blown? Imagine how many polygons those billion NVIDIA GPUs have pushed in the past twelve years. It might not be a centillion, but at the very least, it’s probably a novemdecillion, wouldn’t you think?