Manually hide files and folders


Manually hide files and folders

There are many ways to do those things. i just had to show you 2 ways i found out lately, which i think are very cool: hide a folder, first rename it and press right ALT + 0160 . this will rename the folder to a character that cannot be shown unless you select the folder.if it doesn't work, try other combinations using the character map tool (run C:\WINDOWS\system32\charmap.exe and search for invicible characters). now , to hide the folder icon, change its icon to a blank one , as seen here:

2. To hide file, compress it to a zipped file (let's say its name is . now, take a jpeg picture file (let's say its name is 2.jpg) , and put both in the same folder. now go to the command line and go to their path. type the following (change the names if you need to ) :

COPY /B 2.jpg + new_picture.jpg

/B Operator for =>> Binary Files
"+" Operator for =>> COMBINES 2 files into new_picture.jpg files

note that if you open the new picture file (called here new_picture.jpg) , it will be seen as a simple jpeg file. now , if you rename this file to have a .zip extension, you can unzip it and reach the hidden file. you could even made the zipped file encrypted . the only disadvantage is that it can be suspicious to people if the file is too large to be a simple picture file.

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