Hide file(s) in a image


Hiding Information in a Picture !

A simple solution to send a small file secretly in the form of Picture . Follow the steps !

1. Gather your image and the files you wish to hide into it. Here I have a "abc.txt"and
"mypics.jpg" which I will hide inside "finalpics.jpg".

2.select and add the files abc.txt and "mypics.jpg" (you can hide multiple files too) you want to hide, into a RAR/zip file.(right click on the file and choose add to zip/rar.. etc). you will get a compressed file which can contain your n no of files.

3. Open Command Prompt and go to the folder where your files are located, for example, ‘C:\abc.rar’. (keep the final image and the compressed file in the same folder)

4. At command prompt type
copy /b finalpics.jpg + abc.rar finalpics.jpg

5. Now double click on finalpics.jpg . It opens normally.

6. Now open the same pic using rar/winzip(right click on finalpics.jpg and choose open with-> winrar/winzip etc). You can see the hidden files.

now send the files to your friends in encrypted form and amaze them!! :kiven