Early Macintosh developer: We would have worked for free

Early Macintosh developer: We would have worked for free

During an event celebrating the 30th birthday of the Macintosh, the team that created the iconic computer reflected on the early days.


Members of the original Macintosh team reflected on creating the machine. From left: panel moderator Steven Levy, Bill Atkinson, Randy Wigginton, Bill Fernandez (standing), George Crow, Steve Capps, Bruce Horn, Andy Hertzfeld, Caroline Rose.

For the people who created the Macintosh, it was the proverbial labor of love.
On Saturday evening, the original Macintosh development team came together to celebrate the machine it had created three decades earlier -- a product that had paved the way for hits to come, including the iPod, iPhone, and iPad.


Looking back fondly on the process, the team said creating the product was not about the money. "If Steve said, 'How about you guys don't get paid?' said Rod Holt, Apple's original hardware guru, and one of the company's first 10 employees. "We would have still had a group."
"But there would have been a lot of grumbling," he added, laughing.