Budgie Desktop 5.1 - Superb New Desktop Environment


The developer of Evolve OS, Ikey Doherty, has made a new desktop environment called Budgie Desktop and released a new version of it.

Evolve OS hasn't been launched yet, but the developer is actively working on it. Instead of adopting an existing desktop environment, he decided that it would be better to make his own. It's based on GNOME and uses quite a few GNOME packages, but it looks very different. In fact, it follows the same paradigm as MATE and Cinnamon, although Budgie seems to be a little more modern and polished.

Even if the desktop environment looks pretty advanced, judging by the version number, there is still room for improvements. The developer has promised that the next release in the series, 6.x, will allow users to write plugins in any language supported by libpeas, and that includes C, Vala, JavaScript, and Python.

Users will also notice that some of the main elements from Budgie Desktop have remained in place, like the position of the menu and the size of the icons. In the future, it will be possible to change them, but for now, users need to contend with what's available.