Remove Skin Blemishes


Staff member
1) Open the original photo with blemished skin and go to the Healing Brush Tool, (press J) or select it on the tool box.


2) Zoom it a little bit (pressing Ctrl together with +), and click on the parts you want to change. This tool is very smart and can make wonderful results alone.


3) But, if you encounter some issue this tool cannot resolve, try the "Clone Stamp Tool" (pressing S).

With the Clone Stamp, you have to hold ALT and click on a part of the skin you like, then without ALT pressed, just click on the part you want to change. It's not complicated, as you will see.

4) For the final touch, create a new layer, go to the Brush Tool (press B) and with a brown color (I used #ECA85C), paint an area on the girl's face, like on the picture.


Set this layer as "Screen" mode, and it's opacity to 25%.


5) Your skin should be cleaner and smoother than ever!
